8 Ways a Short-Term Rental Makes Moving Easier

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Moving is an emotionally, physically, and financially draining activity. If you can find ways to make it easier, embrace them. One of the best ways is to find a temporary place to stay during the moving process, such as a short-term furnished apartment. You may be in a transitional period, but it doesn’t have to feel like it!

Short-term rentals, which offer flexible lease terms, make moving a lot less stressful and are the most beneficial option for people in all sorts of situations. Here’s why.

1. Flexibility During the Moving Process

Short-term renting gives you flexibility. Let’s say you haven’t yet found a permanent home in the city you’re moving to, but you have to leave your current place because the lease is ending or you have a new job you’re starting. No problem! Find yourself a temporary apartment, either in your current city or your destination. You can stay for as long as you need to, giving you more time to find a new home. This not only relieves the pressure of finding a new home quickly but also affords you the time and freedom to explore various neighborhoods and housing options before making a long-term commitment. You can start your new job or be in the new area you’d like to to minute you arrive—having everything you need to live comfortably.

2. Furniture and Appliances are Included

By moving into a temporary space that has everything you need first, you can pack light and not have to worry about furniture and appliances – furnished short-term rentals include them! This will make your move not just less financially stressful, but less physically and logistically burdensome as well. You can focus on settling into your new environment without the added complexities of furnishing, decorating, spending additional money, or worrying about getting large items into your new home.

3. It Buys You Time

If you find yourself needing more time to find a permanent home, staying in a short-term rental buys you that time you desperately need. You can take your time to search and make sure you choose the right home, rather than just any home to avoid having no place to stay at all, or just coming into town for a weekend to check out your new neighborhood/city. You can take the time to experience life before making a much more permanent commitment. By the time you find the right place, you’ll already be familiar and confident with your new area and know where to find the right grocery stores, transportation, restaurants, gyms, and entertainment.

4. Short-Term Rentals are Move-in Ready

Short-term rentals that are furnished are truly move-in ready. As soon as you show up, you can start living. All the furniture and appliances you need are there, and in Furnished Quarters apartments, even kitchenware is included. Utilities and WiFi will also be set up and working upon arrival, so you won’t be without internet, gas, electricity, or running water when you arrive as sometimes happens with long-term rentals. You’ll find everything you need to start living in your new luxurious apartment.

5. You Can “Try Out” a City or Neighborhood Before Committing Long-Term

Moving to a new location is a big decision, especially if you’re unsure about which neighborhood you’d like to live in. You may even be unsure of the city itself. To avoid committing long-term to a city or neighborhood you don’t love, opt for short-term renting as you test the waters and make a more final decision later. Give yourself a chance to really experience life in your new area rather than just visiting. See what you like and don’t before making a more permanent decision.

6. Amenities, Utilities and WiFi are Included

In addition to utilities and WiFi working upon arrival when you move into your short-term rental, they’re also included in the monthly rate. Many temporary apartments are also found in buildings that offer amenities – lounges, swimming pools, fitness centers, etc. – which are included at little to no extra charge. 

7. No Need to Sign a Long-Term Lease

Signing a lease is usually a commitment for one year or longer. It is a legally binding contract that “locks you in” to your new home and location. Short-term apartment rentals have flexible lease terms, often on a month-to-month basis, requiring just 15-30 days’ notice before moving out. You won’t be stuck with the place or have to break a long-term lease. Enjoy the freedom to change your rental situation when you need to.

8. No Security Deposit or Broker Fees

Many rentals, even if they’re short-term, require broker fees and a security deposit before moving in. If you’re not sure about a place, these extra costs aren’t worth your while. You can avoid them by choosing a short-term rental. In fact, Furnished Quarters never requires broker fees or a security deposit.

When is a Temporary Lease Most Beneficial?

While short-term rentals offer incredible benefits, there are particular times and situations in which they are the most rewarding. Here are just a few examples of when they are the most ideal:

When You’ll Be Somewhere for a Few Weeks or Months: You may want to travel to a new place for business or scouting, or even a vacation. Short-term rentals allow you the convenience of a home with furniture and space, and are cheaper than living in a hotel.

During Relocation: In a perfect world, you’ll find a new home the day you sell your current house or end your lease. However, this doesn’t always happen. You may have to wait weeks or even months before settling into your new home – and that’s where short-term rentals come in.

A New Job That Requires Immediate Reporting: If you’ve just landed your dream job and you’re required to report to it immediately, short-term renting will allow you to move quickly. It eliminates the need to hastily sign a long-term lease, only to be disappointed since you were in such a hurry.

During Uncertain Times: When you’re unsure about your employment or overall future in a given location, temporary leasing is the way to go since there’s no contract to tie you down.

Learn your options through Furnished Quarters!

The market is flooded with furnished short-term rentals, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed and unsure of which option to pick. We understand this struggle, and that’s why we’re your trusted partner in short-term rentals.

Contact Furnished Quarters today and make the best decision on your temporary rental. Learn what it means to Stay Different!