Corporate Traveler: 4 Tips to Make Long Flights Easier

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Whether for work or leisure, a flight doesn’t always ensure a quick trip. Plane rides from East Coast to West Coast can take 6+ hours, with international flights spanning even longer. Until that blissful moment of a safe landing, here are four helpful tips for conquering long flights when traveling for business.

1. Watch a TV show or movie

It seems like an obvious choice, but with some preparation you’ll stay entertained from the beginning to end of your journey. Check with your airline ahead of time to see what inflight entertainment they provide. Advance planning will give something to look forward to. If you’re traveling with a colleague, see if you both want to watch the same movie so you can pass time discussing afterwards. If you have Netflix, store a favorite flick in offline mode before departing.

2. Relax to a little music

Sometimes diving into a two hour film feels like an investment, so maybe you simply want to close your eyes and relax to a little music. Before you head out, check if your music library is up to date and stored on your phone. If you have Spotify Premium, you can listen to all of your songs in offline mode without needing any internet connection—just be sure you’ve set this up in your account. Create a few different playlists—one that calms, another that energizes and a third with local music from your destination to build excitement.

3. Organize your phone or tablet

Wi-Fi on a plane is always a plus, but it isn’t necessary if you’re only organizing apps or adjusting settings on your smartphone or tablet.  Configuring your device how you’d like is something we all strive toward, but never seem to have the time—which apps go where, what each folder should be called, and so forth. Get this all sorted during your long-haul flight!

4. Try to sleep  

If you can pass out on a flight and wake up hours later, hats off to you. For most, even the most seasoned corporate traveler, this isn’t the easiest task. Keep your seat area as dark as possible with reading lights off and a sleeping mask on. Request a blanket if not already provided and imagine it like covers on your bed. Think of the plane’s humming engine like the white noise of your home ceiling fan. Settle into this mindset and you may wake up much closer to your arrival time.

More tips for the frequent corporate traveler

While you’re at it, consider these four apps for catching up on business news while traveling for business!

Need help to prepare your next business trip? Find out how we can assist you here.