Seven Easy Ways to Start Your Day Off Right

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Business trips can be tiring – this isn’t news. After traveling, countless meetings, and (sometimes boozy) client dinners, it can be difficult to wake up feeling 100% and energized for a new day. If you’re feeling sluggish in the morning or just want to start your day off feeling more refreshed, we have compiled a list of 7 business travel tips to help kick start your day.

1.  Stop Snoozing:

Get up right away and stop pressing the snooze button. Hitting the snooze button and dozing in and out of sleep doesn’t extend your rest in a beneficial or quality way.

2.  Take a Breather:

If you’re in for a doozy of a day, simply carve out a few minutes to focus on your breaths. Stretching or doing yoga poses after waking up is also a great way to energize your morning and ease away tension from the day before.

3. Unplug:

Since you’re most likely going to spend most of your workday on the computer, make your mornings technology free. Read a hard copy of the newspaper, a magazine, or a book – and hold off on emails until you’re in the office.

4. Some Like it Hot:

Although a warm shower is soothing in the morning, cold showers are actually really good for you and will help you start your day off right. Turn your shower cold for the last few minutes to help wake your body up, relieve fatigue, and increase your awareness.

5. Spice it Up:

Instead of adding artificial flavoring to your coffee, use spice. This can help control blood sugar and regulate your digestive tract.

6. Hydrating Helps:

If you aren’t much of a coffee drinker, kick start your day with a glass of warm water and lemon juice. This is another great way to stimulate digestion – plus it helps boost your metabolism and improves skin.

7. Save the Best for Last:

Once you start working, begin your day with the hardest or most difficult task on your to-do list. This will help get it out of the way so you can conquer the rest of your tasks and make the most of your business travel!

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